This subject introduces students to the translation task and the development of translation theories, with special focus on inference-based translation. Students consider the complexity of meaningful communication and the application of this understanding to the translation task. They learn about assisting an ethnolinguistic community in planning a translation project appropriate for their setting. By the conclusion of the subject, students will be expected to be able to use appropriate principles and methods to translate a text to communicate effectively in a particular context.
1. A theoretical foundation of communication: meaning, context, relevance, implicit information, inference
2. History of translation and translation theories
3. ABCD of translation: Accurate, Beautiful (Natural), Clear, Desirable (Acceptable)
4. The translation process:
a. Understanding the biblical passage and context in original contexts,
b. Understanding receptor language and culture,
c. Drafting and Checking,
d. Editing and Publication.
5. Making Translation Adjustments:
a. Lexical equivalence and key biblical terms,
b. Figurative language,
c. Mismatch between languages (propositions, clauses, illocutionary force, passive, genitive, abstract, questions, etc.),
d. Supplying contextual information,
e. Style and genre.
6. Translation Projects:
a. The scope of various types of translation project including stages, personnel, and tools,
b. Products, media and Scripture Use,
c. Training and team management.
7. Translation software