This unit introduces the Earth’s climate system and examines the basis for current and future climate change. The first half of this unit focuses on understanding climate, including the greenhouse effect, the El Nino–Southern Oscillation, monsoon activity, climate feedbacks, ‘tipping points’ and rapid climate change. Recent developments in climate change, based on paleo, historical and modelling research, is presented and critically evaluated. The second half of this unit focuses on the impacts of climate change on ecosystems and society, including biodiversity, health, economics, geopolitics, and the human dimensions of vulnerability and resilience. Finally, this unit will consider a range of responses to climate change, focusing on international environmental treaties, international and Australian policy approaches to global warming, and management and adaptation strategies. A Christian worldview perspective on the topic will be included in this unit.
* Earth’s climate systems
* Effects on climate including greenhouses effect,
* Green house effects on the climate
* El Nino-Southern Oscillation
* Effects of monsoon activity on the climate
* Climate feedbacks
* Tipping points
* Rapid climate changes
* Recent climate change based on paleo, historical and modelling research
* Change on ecosystems and society
* Responses to climate change-international environmental treaties,
* International and Australian policy approaches to global warming, management and adaptation strategies
* Christian response to climate change