This unit covers the English learning area of State and National Curriculum Years 7-10. The unit engages with current knowledge and understanding about best practice and about the various needs of students in the middle years, applying these to the English discipline. This incorporates various strategies and features for developing effective lessons and assessments (both formative and summative) to engage and progress a diverse range of students in English. Understanding of how to meaningfully integrate ICT for English processes and for enhancing learning experiences will be cultivated. Pre-service teachers will engage in providing grading and feedback on various assessment tasks in line with content knowledge of the discipline, proficient teaching, and current research in order to maximise effectiveness and quality of student learning in the learning area. Pre-service teachers will foster a critical understanding from a Christian perspective of the various frameworks that have driven and shaped the teaching of English.
* The English Curriculum 7-10
Key Question: What is in the English curriculum 7-10?
* Underlying theoretical frameworks and a Christian perspective
Key Question: What are the underlying theoretical frameworks that influence the English curriculum?
* Knowing the students I teach ; Key Question: What does it mean to teach English in a way that appreciates and considers the needs of students in the middle years?
* Meaningful integration of ICT : Key Question: How can ICT enhance teaching and learning within the English classroom?
* Techniques and strategies for teaching reading, writing, listening and speaking: Key Question: What techniques and strategies can enhance student learning in key areas of the curriculum?
* Feedback and assessment : Key Question: What does effective feedback look like in the Middle Years English classroom?
*Using data to improve teaching and learning: Key Question: How do I identify and attain meaningful data to shape teaching and assist the learning of all students along the continuum?
* Differentiation for progressing all students along the English continuum: Key Question: What does it mean to progress students along the learning continuum in English, and how can I plan for improvement of all students?
* Reflection on what pre-service teachers are coming to know about effective English teaching in the middle years.: Key Question: What does it mean for me to be an effective Middle Years English teacher within Victoria, so that all students progress in their learning journey?