This unit complements ES622 Secondary Specialisation 2: Curriculum and Pedagogy and expands on ED631 Curriculum, Assessment and Data: School Observation (5 days) by exploring various strategies that you can use to sample thinking, understanding and skill competence of your students on the topics being taught as part of your specialised learning area. The unit will explore various strategies for probing understanding, how to interpret data and importantly how to provide effective (formative) feedback for promoting further learning in the teaching/learning cycle and as a basis for recommending modifications to teaching practices. The unit will also cover common summative assessment used in your specialist area and how to report achievements in reports to parents/carers.
Students will be assigned an experienced teacher in their specialist area to mentor them in the processes of assessment in their specialist area, particularly in practising assessment and moderation.
APST 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
+ Integrating assessment in the learning task – Authentic assessment tasks
+ Assessment for Learning – ways to sample understanding during the information and initial response phases of a topic
+ Constructing Rubrics
+ Providing meaningful feedback
+ Assessment as learning – How to build in self- and peer-assessment into tasks
+ Assessment of learning – Test and exam construction
+ Interpreting students’ assessment data
+ Moderation processes for making consistent and comparable judgements of students’ learning
+ Strategies for recording students’ achievements – mark books
+ Reporting – sample reports used by schools
+ Using the data to recommend modifications to teaching practice
+ LMS and continuous reporting
+ Working with VCAA advice to construct a SAC