This unit enables you to develop your knowledge and understanding of curriculum for Humanities and make connections to local contexts. You will learn to understand, respect and respond to diverse perspectives on historical, geographical, economics and business, civics and citizenship content knowing that students’ diverse histories and cultures will impact their engagement with the content. A range of perspectives on various knowledge, events and concepts will be explored including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, knowledge and perspectives. A Christian perspective and response to content knowledge and its application will be integrated across the unit.
The unit covers learning theory and pedagogies appropriate to teaching Humanities, including a range of approaches such as inquiry learning, explicit instruction, discipline-based, theme-based and integrated curriculum, and making pedagogical decisions related to content being taught. In addition the unit covers the integration of informal, formal, diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies, and a range of highly effective teaching and communication strategies to respond to diverse learning needs and support students’ engagement and participation in Humanities. You will learn how to address literacy and numeracy learning relevant to Humanities including intentionally integrating skills and knowledge, such as reading, interpreting and creating texts in relevant genres, as well as the wide range of numeracy knowledge and skills relevant across the Humanities subjects. You will also develop understanding of and the ability to address each of the cross-curriculum priorities (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia, Sustainability) and general capabilities (Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical, Intercultural, Personal and Social) within Humanities teaching and learning experiences.
The unit introduces you to a range of resources, including ICT, and external education providers relevant to Humanities learning, as well as strategies for evaluating their relevance, appropriateness, and value for enhancing and expanding students’ learning.
* Christian perspective on, and response to, Humanities content and its application
* Understanding, respecting and responding to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and other perspectives on Humanities content
* Understanding and using the Victorian Curriculum F-10 and Australian Curriculum for Humanities relevant to primary schooling
* Making pedagogical decisions – critically reviewing approaches including inquiry learning, explicit instruction, discipline-based, theme-based and integrated curriculum
* Planning for informal, formal, diagnostic, formative and summative assessment in Humanities
* Addressing and integrating literacy and numeracy learning relevant to Humanities
* Planning for and integrating the cross-curriculum priorities and general capabilities
* Differentiated and inclusive practices in Humanities for diverse learners
* Developing a range of highly effective teaching and communication strategies to support engagement and participation in Humanities
* Identifying, evaluating and selecting resources, ICT, and external education programs to support engagement and participation in Humanities
* Planning lesson sequences and integrated units of work in Humanities
* Organising and managing Humanities learning environments and experiences
* Integrating local contexts and engaging parents/carers and local community members in Humanities learning programs