Through this unit students will engage with current research, theory and practice related to understanding and responding to variance among students, including additional needs, in order to develop specialised knowledge for advancing and leading inclusive practices in their professional setting.
The unit will examine how agendas, policies and practices may exclude learners and how schools can increase access and equity through policy decisions that promote inclusivity. Policies and practices for inclusive learning and their guiding philosophy will be examined from Christian perspectives.
The unit will examine current developments in understanding about the nature and learning needs of identified additional needs such as physical disabilities, learning or speech difficulties, diagnosed conditions (e.g. Autism Spectrum Disorder), gifted and talented, English as a second language, health conditions, and challenging behaviours in order to develop advanced knowledge and understanding. The theory and practice related to inclusive teaching, learning and classroom management will be critically analysed in order to equip students to implement, promote and provide leadership towards practices that support inclusivity in contemporary school settings.
Through this unit students will create, critically analyse and justify policies and practices for monitoring and assessing students’ strengths, needs, and learning preferences for individual class and whole school implementation. They will investigate developments in responsive teaching practices that maximise learning for all students. The unit will engage with the complexities and implications associated with promoting and leading school-wide practices for inclusive learning, and examine approaches for responding to resistance.
This unit is delivered as a split intensive. The class will meet for two intensives, one per school term with the ability to communicate to your peers and lecturer electronically in-between. All learning will happen through your readings and in a face-to-face setting.
Diversity of learners –various ways to map the diversity of learning and learners
Justice as a Framework for responding to diversity
Planning for diversity at the school level
Planning for diverse learners at the classroom level
Specific needs of ADHD learners
Specific needs of Students on the Autism Spectrum
Specific needs of students with physical disabilities
Ways of Coordinating and working with Teacher aids and carers
Accelerated/ gifted learning programs