The aim of this subject is the development of a critical competence that enables students to ground their educational practices firmly in a professed Christian faith. Students will be able to critically evaluate how interpretation of the bible influences educational practice.
The subject explores the Bible’s overall story – its meta-narrative. Major themes are traced including: creation, fall, redemption, restoration and consummation.
With this foundation laid, the subject focuses on the understanding of hermeneutical principles for the interpretation of the biblical text. Exploration of the factors affecting interpretation is undertaken including: presuppositions, linguistics, the hermeneutical gap, and the nature of Scripture. Emphasis is placed upon the need for the recognition of genre, historical context, literary context and literary content.
With this understanding and skill, students will be able to generate biblically thoughtful explanations and responses about contemporary issues in educational contexts. Specific issues typically encountered in the educational context revolve around four domains: faith, science and the supernatural, human identity and value, justice and ethical living and the nature of knowledge and wisdom. The challenge and difficulty of application, the final step in interpretative process, is emphasised.
This unit can be delivered either weekly or as a split intensive where the class will meet for two intensives, one per school term with the ability to communicate to your peers and lecturer electronically in-between. All learning will happen through your readings and in a face-to-face setting.
– Meta-narrative and major themes of the Bible
– The literary nature and structure of the Bible
– Hermeneutical principles
– Basic tools in how to read the Bible
– Meaning in the text
– The challenge of application particularly in educational settings
– Biblically faithful and reasoned responses to issues such as:
– faith, science and the supernatural
– human identity and value
– justice and ethical living and
– the nature of knowledge and wisdom