This unit examines the drivers and agendas for integrating ICT in schooling, the status of ICT in the Victorian Curriculum F-10 and the Australian Curriculum, and how ICT can enhance and enrich learning environments and experiences. The unit explores multi-literacies pedagogy and developing students’ multi-literacy knowledge and skills relevant to ICT. These themes will create the context for planning for ICT integration for teaching and learning purposes.
The unit applies a Christian perspective to examining the nature of ICT and a range of issues and challenges associated with using ICT in education, particularly related to social, educational, legal, ethical cultural and equity issues. You will examine relevant legislation and how schools and teachers can respond with policies and strategies to prevent or address these issues and challenges in order to develop safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT by students in and beyond school contexts. Strategies for engaging parents/carers in the discourse related to young people and ICT will also be reviewed.
The unit covers strategies for effectively integrating ICT in teaching and learning experiences that consider and respond to teachers’, students’, curriculum, and program needs, including differentiating for diverse learners and catering for students with additional needs, as well as aligning technologies and strategies with selected learning theory and teaching approaches. Procedures such as TechPACK will be analysed for supporting teachers in selecting and integrating appropriate and relevant ICT into teaching and learning programs.
Through the unit you will examine a range of ICT resources that are commonly used for educational purposes. You will critically review technologies to identify their strengths and limitations, and apply processes for selecting the appropriate and relevant technologies to suit the students and purpose. In addition, the unit focuses on developing and applying your personal competencies in using ICT.
* 21st Century contexts, and the need for and nature of ICT
* ICT in the Victorian Curriculum F-10 and the Australian Curriculum
* Multi-literacies pedagogy, knowledge and skills relevant to ICT
* Issues and challenges associated with ICT usage in educational contexts and legislation, policy and strategies for supporting safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT
* Strategies for engaging parents/carers in the use of ICT in school and out-of-school contexts
* Rationales for integrating ICT in teaching and learning
* Aligning ICT integration with learning theories
* Using the Technology Integration Planning Model and TechPACK for planning ICT integrated teaching and learning
* Knowing and evaluating software tools, instructional software, and advanced technology
* Knowing and evaluating hypermedia tools and web-based learning programs
* Integrating ICT to design rich learning environments and experiences that expand students’ learning across curriculum and support their engagement and participation in learning
* Use of ICT to support differentiated practices and students with additional needs
* ICT facilitated distance learning