This unit will introduce students to issues of gender and sexuality in an international context. It will identify the international division of labour, the effects of religious fundamentalisms, international trafficking in women, sexual violence and harmful cultural practices. It will give an overview of social power and explore paternalism and the impact of privilege, (including male privilege) Students who complete this subject should understand the ways in which gender might affect international relations, understand how government policy and other forces operating in Australia and other Western countries are affecting the lives and opportunities of women and relationships between men and women in the rest of the world, be familiar with developments in feminist theory on the issues of human rights. It will look at opportunities and barriers faced by women. Students will explore the interdisciplinary knowledge and skills required to analyse gender, sexuality and other categories of difference covering theories such as contemporary gender theory, and issues of socially defined gender stereotypes from a critical perspective including a Christian worldview. It will explore diverse scenes and spaces of gender as they occur in contemporary life and culture.
+ The international division of labour
+ The effects of religious fundamentalisms
+ International trafficking in women
+ Sexual violence and harmful cultural practices
+ Social power
+ The impact of privilege, (including male privilege)
+ Paternalism
+ Feminist theory
+ Opportunities / barriers faced by women
+ Relationships between men and women
+ Contemporary gender theory
+ Issues of socially defined gender stereotypes