MEET Steve
2009-2020: Steve designed and facilitated Eastern College Australia’s Master of Transformational Development.
1984-2009: Steve worked as the National Director of TEAR Australia. During which time he served for several years on the executive of the Australian Council For International Development (ACFID). In 2009 he received ACFID’s Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Australian Aid and Development Sector. He was instrumental in establishing Micah Global, an international network of evangelical Christians development organisations, and its global advocacy campaign, Micah Challenge. He chaired the international boards of both those entities for several years.
Selected Publications
Bradbury, S. (2012). The Micah Mandate: An Evangelical View. In Clarke, M (Ed.). “Mission & Development: God’s Work or Good Works.” 103-121. London: Continuum
Bradbury, S. (2013). Mission, Missionaries & Development. In Clarke, M. (Ed), “Handbook of Research on Religion & Development”. 413-429. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
Bradbury, S., Jackson, L. (Eds.) (2018). “Where Spirituality & Justice Meet: Spiritual Formation and Integral Mission.” Singapore: Graceworks.
Bradbury, S. (Ed.). (2020). “Where Human Rights and Biblical Justice Meet: Imago Dei and Integral Mission.” Singapore: Graceworks.
Bradbury, S. (2020). Yearning for Kingdom Justice. In Jacob, M. (Ed.) “Public Theology: Exploring Expressions of the Christian Faith. 294-305. New Delhi: Primalogue Publishing & TRACI.
Contact Steve
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